Social Responsability - Sao Paulo, Brazil
I was in Sao Paolo Brazil for a few days at the end of January on assignment with Maverick Advertising Agency for DHL at their Global Forwarding HQ and the shipping port at Santos. Before flying home I was lucky enough to spent the day with Manuel who works on the DHL Social Responsibility project. The project collects food which is unwanted or not deemed fit for sale in shops. Things like courgettes that are deemed too big would get thrown out! So this project works across the vast city of Sao Paolo collecting these food items and distributing them to those who could really do with the help supporting children and adults.
- Manuel has worked for DHL for 37 years now, he used to be a courier, operation assistant and supervisor before finding his favourite role as the project driver. He said “This job is helping people, it’s very important to me and it’s very satisfying. A great opportunity to help others.” Each day Manuel gets an assistant to work on the collections and deliveries, a DHL staff member who volunteers their time away from their day job.
- Thais, a finance analysts, who has worked for DHL for more than 6 years has done this 3 times now. She explained how it’s very important to be involved with the project.
- Domingas lives at a home for the elderly, she is an incredible 97 years old.
- Carolina sat on her bed lives in a home for women only, they were all abandoned as children for various reasons ranging from physical disabilities and mental illness.
- Rosanna, sat on the steps to her garden, runs the home for young girls and women.
- Angela is the chef for another home, Dom Luciano, for women.
- A home for children run by Dione Braz looks after 10 boys aged between 13-15 years old.
- Rosanna with her girls in one of the bedrooms.
- Luzia outside her house which she runs for young women with mental health issues.